A software running on Windows (or Linux with wine) to control SpaceCrafter software.

Select your constellations through a location intuitive selection grid.

Select through categorized menus a huge amount of videos, scripts, images, sounds and musics !
You can personalize it to your convenience but all of the categories are filled with :
- 300 pedagogical scripts (to cover all astronomy curiculums)
- 400 short fulldome videos (from 30 seconds to some minutes)
- 50 trailers (to discover new shows)
- 50 VR contents (and add yours at will)
- 180 rectangular videos (project them duplicated into the dome)
- 120 musics (put your musics or use free ones included)
- 100 localized audiofiles from free shows
- 50 free fulldome shows (from 4 to 50 minutes long)
- 50 3D models (spacecrafts and celestial objects)
- 2000 astronomical pictures (sorted in categories)

Replace the keyboard with this dynamic visual interface.
But also:
- Select up to 2080 images in a maximum of 3 mouse-clicks.
- Play up to 1344 videos/scripts in a maximum of 3 mouse-clicks.
- Select ambiant music among 120 possibilities.
- Play up to 40 distinct in parallel of your show a synchronized dubbing in another language for audioguides.
- Set your date and position thanks to an ergonomic interface.
- Change your landscape automatically depending on your position on Earth.
- Access graphically to change of heading, twinkling of stars and meteors rate.
- Navigate graphically on the surface of any planet to see some peculiar features.
- Observe any object stitched to the sky or to the body.
- Select constellations with relative position of each to the other in the sky.
- Get access to an automatically set nocturlabe.
- Get access to a navigation special feature to understand the position line.
- Visualize and operate easily all the 400 keyboard functions related to SpaceCrafter.
Never ever miss the perfect answer to your audience on your fingertips !
That's why a lot of planetarium owners have chosen Masterput and can't do without it !